Christmas Memory Cafe
This half term during the enrichment project 8W have looked at how we can extend our school values of respect and care for others into the community. We decided to work with the Dementia Friends charity in this project who we have already made school ties with and it is also a charity that many of us appreciate. We worked for weekson Christmas decorations, poems and musical performances that we could take to the Christmas Memory cafe which was held on Thursday 15th December at the Parish Hall. The children were full of Christmas cheer as we helped to set up for the cafe and took every opportunity to take part in the event. The cafe was a very merry place to be and all that came along said how wonderful it was to have representatives of Corbridge Middle School there to spread Christmas cheer. At the end of the café, each attendee was gifted with a card or decoration made by one of the children. When we got back to school, the class said that they had a wonderful time and would like to do more outreach like this in the future.