Careers Programme 2022-23
At Corbridge Middle School we want all our young people to understand the full range of opportunities available to them in today’s world and help them to acquire the skills and qualifications they will need to succeed in the workplace today and in the future. We believe that every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. We also aim to prepare our pupils for the opportunities in the next stage of their education, a time when they will make choices about their future study
All of our pupils from Year 5 to Year 8 will have access to a planned careers education information and guidance (CEIAG) programme which supports us in achieving our aims. In Years 5 and 6 this will be delivered as part of PSHE within our Care & Culture curriculum and all teachers will support our whole-school approach to careers education information and guidance by making explicit links within their own subject areas/specialisms and sharing this with the children they teach. In Year 7 and Year 8 pupils participate in a weekly timetabled Ambition lesson as part of our school curriculum as well as discrete units linked to the work of work as part of the weekly PSHE curriculum and independent guidance from a professionally qualified careers advisor. Please note there may be additional opportunities added to the programme as they arise across the academic year. By the time pupils get to the end of Year 5 they will have had the opportunity to:
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 6 they will have had the opportunity to:
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 7 they will have had the opportunity to:
Looking for more careers information?
Useful websites: Informed Choices – to help you make the right A level choices, understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities National Careers Service – job profiles, CV help and much more Bright Knowledge – career pathways Total Professions – links to professional institutes who often have their own careers sections and lists of accredited degrees – including Buzz personality test => course search => course entry requirements > Options with Your Degree Subject > Jobs & Work Experience > Industry Insights Future Learn – lists the training, qualifications and experience needed for each career Barclays Life Skills – providing young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need for work with tools, tips and learning resources Careermap – providing careers advice and support for students and parents/carers including LMI information Careersbox Careersbox is a careers education resource that is:
Skills Checker
By the time pupils get to the end of Year 8 they will have had the opportunity to:
CMS Careers Lead: Mr Johnston ([email protected]) or 01434632191.
CMS Governors: Our CEIAG strategy has been formally presented to our Governors. Our careers link governor Tom Weston.
Next Careers information review - September 2023
- Learn about the North east of England - Geography and labour market of the North East of England: Be aware of what job and labour market information (LMI) is and what is can do for them; employment/unemployment compared to UK and other relevant statistics
- Explore Job and industry classification and distribution of sectors locally
- Prepare for employability: identify, develop and improve soft skills
- Recognise the qualities and skills needed for employability and started to gather evidence for those demonstrated both in and out of school
- Learn about resilience and why it is important for people seeking work
- Learn about Social Media and careers
- Explore careers and how these may change in the future
- Write personal statements and meet an independent careers advisor
- Learn how to manage money well - personal budget, contribute to household and school budgets.
- Explore current education pathways
- Identify and make the most of your personal network of support including how to access the impartial careers information, advice and guidance that you need
- Know how to negotiate and make plans and decisions carefully to help you get the qualifications, skills and experience you need
- Investigate what is meant by and how to achieve a work life balance
- Learn and develop employability skills
- Link career ambitions to GCSE options choices
- Learn from Career Ambassadors who participated in an annual Careers Fair visit
- Learn about the world of work from various visiting speakers.
- Participate in workshops delivered by Newcastle University STEM Ambassadors ‘Careers in STEM’
CMS Careers Lead: Mr Johnston ([email protected]) or 01434632191.
CMS Governors: Our CEIAG strategy has been formally presented to our Governors. Our careers link governor Tom Weston.
Next Careers information review - September 2023
North East Labour Market Survey | |
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Past Careers Fair
KS3 Careers Fair - impact | |
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This event was very successful in providing Key Stage 3 pupils the opportunity to explore a variety of industries which may be of interest as a future career. Twelve different exhibitors were present; some were parents who were contacted via a parent ‘work’ audit which was undertaken in the Autumn term, some were arranged by our connections with the NE Local Enterprise Partnership (NE LEP).