Corbridge Middle School - Equalities Information 2014-15
The current Year 7 year group is the largest in school, with a cohort of 81. The smallest is Year 6 with 69. Year 7 and 8 have more girls (82) than boys (73).. The staff profile is broadly of established, more mature staff who have a long relationship with the school.
(Source: SIMS, staff profile)
We have one child with mild cerebral palsy, one visually impaired and 3 children with a hearing impairment. An accessible disabled toilet is available, and front ramps are in place. There are currently no pupils whose long term health issues have an impact on attendance.
SEND (Special Educational Needs) pupils make expected progress or better. There are less than 10 statemented pupils; less than 10 in Year 5, less than 10 in Year 6, less than 10 in Year 7 and less than 10 in Year 8. Staff attend training and awareness raising as appropriate for the health needs of pupils with medical issues e.g. diabetes.
(Sources: NCC data unit, SIMS)
Gender reassignment
No data is collated by the school about gender reassignment in the pupil or staff population.
The Hexham Partnership of schools educates 8.6% of the BME (black and minority ethnic) pupils in Northumberland schools, and 4% of the EAL (English as an additional language) population. Few of these are educated in Corbridge Middle, which has a 98% white British profile. The Northumberland average is 95% which makes our profile above average for lacking cultural diversity, even in the context of Northumberland. As a result a conscious effort has to be made to introduce children to other cultures through the curriculum, assemblies and enrichment activities. The school has previously achieved the intermediate level of the International School Award and has contacts with an inner city middle school.
The school has consistently recorded and reported any racist incidents to the Local Authority, although this number is small. Most incidents are related to the unconscious use of racist language and therefore efforts are being made through assemblies, pastoral work and the curriculum to ensure children understand that the language sometimes used is abusive and offensive. Outside agencies such as ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ support our work in this area.
There is no pattern of underachievement for any of the BME or EAL children.
The school has too few fixed term exclusions to identify a trend relating to ethnicity.
(Sources: School Census ethnicity and language profile 2011 compiled by NCC Equalities team, Hexham Partnership, Annual Report to Governors re racist incidents, Holiday form requests and absence data)
Religion or belief
The ascribed religions of the pupil population are Christianity or no religious belief Spaces in school have been identified as suitable to be made available as prayer rooms during Ramadan. Fewer than 10 pupils currently opt out of the act of corporate worship in school on the grounds of belief. Religious leaders play a part in the life of the school. They include Baptist, Methodist and Church of England representatives as well as visitors from the Jewish and Islamic faiths.
(Sources: SIMS, anecdotal evidence, SACRE guidance)
Sexual orientation
No data about the sexual orientation of pupils, parents or staff is collected or held by the school. Disclosures are dealt with and pupils are well supported in this area by a comprehensive PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum which includes units on Sex and Relationships Education. Curriculum information for PSHE can be found here.
(Source: Anecdotal)
Marriage & Civil Partnership
When information about changes in marital status or home circumstances is communicated to school, it is recorded.
No data is collated by the school about staff or parents’ marital status, apart from names given for home contact and information
about whether letters home or reports are to be duplicated and sent to two addresses.
(Source: Pupil records)
Pregnancy & Maternity
The school has flexible policies with regard to returning to work following pregnancy and flexible arrangements regarding emergencies relating to children, childcare and parenting. Currently no posts are job share. Teenage pregnancy is an aspect of Sex and Relationships Education in PSHE. Curriculum information for PSHE can be found here.
(Source: LA Staff employment policy)
While the school’s overall IDACI (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) score places it 49th (of 50) middle schools for indices of deprivation, the school also has a cohort of pupils from the 20th and 30th percentiles of the most deprived postcodes in the UK. School uniform is constituted of generic elements that can be purchased affordably, and a school sweatshirt sold by the school.
The mean average household income in the locality is £40,031 (West Northumberland£37,226). The average house price is £301,329 the Northumberland average is £179, 872. Free School Meal eligibility and uptake is low (3.2%).There is not a statistical group of FSM pupils on roll at present.
Pupil premium income for 2014-2015 is £38,645 details on spending can be found here on our website.
Pupils in financial need most require help to contribute towards the cost of residential visits. 9.9% of pupils in the locality live in income deprived households (9.3% in West Northumberland, 18.7% in Northumberland).
(Sources: Hexham Infonet locality profile, Partnership Profile, March 2011, NCC data unit)
Vulnerable groups
There are currently less than 10 looked after children on roll. There are no mobile or armed forces children. 9% of the pupil population is
SEN In the locality 9.9% of children live in income deprived households.
(Sources: SIMS, 2010 School Census, Locality Infonet profile)
The current Year 7 year group is the largest in school, with a cohort of 81. The smallest is Year 6 with 69. Year 7 and 8 have more girls (82) than boys (73).. The staff profile is broadly of established, more mature staff who have a long relationship with the school.
(Source: SIMS, staff profile)
We have one child with mild cerebral palsy, one visually impaired and 3 children with a hearing impairment. An accessible disabled toilet is available, and front ramps are in place. There are currently no pupils whose long term health issues have an impact on attendance.
SEND (Special Educational Needs) pupils make expected progress or better. There are less than 10 statemented pupils; less than 10 in Year 5, less than 10 in Year 6, less than 10 in Year 7 and less than 10 in Year 8. Staff attend training and awareness raising as appropriate for the health needs of pupils with medical issues e.g. diabetes.
(Sources: NCC data unit, SIMS)
Gender reassignment
No data is collated by the school about gender reassignment in the pupil or staff population.
The Hexham Partnership of schools educates 8.6% of the BME (black and minority ethnic) pupils in Northumberland schools, and 4% of the EAL (English as an additional language) population. Few of these are educated in Corbridge Middle, which has a 98% white British profile. The Northumberland average is 95% which makes our profile above average for lacking cultural diversity, even in the context of Northumberland. As a result a conscious effort has to be made to introduce children to other cultures through the curriculum, assemblies and enrichment activities. The school has previously achieved the intermediate level of the International School Award and has contacts with an inner city middle school.
The school has consistently recorded and reported any racist incidents to the Local Authority, although this number is small. Most incidents are related to the unconscious use of racist language and therefore efforts are being made through assemblies, pastoral work and the curriculum to ensure children understand that the language sometimes used is abusive and offensive. Outside agencies such as ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ support our work in this area.
There is no pattern of underachievement for any of the BME or EAL children.
The school has too few fixed term exclusions to identify a trend relating to ethnicity.
(Sources: School Census ethnicity and language profile 2011 compiled by NCC Equalities team, Hexham Partnership, Annual Report to Governors re racist incidents, Holiday form requests and absence data)
Religion or belief
The ascribed religions of the pupil population are Christianity or no religious belief Spaces in school have been identified as suitable to be made available as prayer rooms during Ramadan. Fewer than 10 pupils currently opt out of the act of corporate worship in school on the grounds of belief. Religious leaders play a part in the life of the school. They include Baptist, Methodist and Church of England representatives as well as visitors from the Jewish and Islamic faiths.
(Sources: SIMS, anecdotal evidence, SACRE guidance)
Sexual orientation
No data about the sexual orientation of pupils, parents or staff is collected or held by the school. Disclosures are dealt with and pupils are well supported in this area by a comprehensive PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum which includes units on Sex and Relationships Education. Curriculum information for PSHE can be found here.
(Source: Anecdotal)
Marriage & Civil Partnership
When information about changes in marital status or home circumstances is communicated to school, it is recorded.
No data is collated by the school about staff or parents’ marital status, apart from names given for home contact and information
about whether letters home or reports are to be duplicated and sent to two addresses.
(Source: Pupil records)
Pregnancy & Maternity
The school has flexible policies with regard to returning to work following pregnancy and flexible arrangements regarding emergencies relating to children, childcare and parenting. Currently no posts are job share. Teenage pregnancy is an aspect of Sex and Relationships Education in PSHE. Curriculum information for PSHE can be found here.
(Source: LA Staff employment policy)
While the school’s overall IDACI (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) score places it 49th (of 50) middle schools for indices of deprivation, the school also has a cohort of pupils from the 20th and 30th percentiles of the most deprived postcodes in the UK. School uniform is constituted of generic elements that can be purchased affordably, and a school sweatshirt sold by the school.
The mean average household income in the locality is £40,031 (West Northumberland£37,226). The average house price is £301,329 the Northumberland average is £179, 872. Free School Meal eligibility and uptake is low (3.2%).There is not a statistical group of FSM pupils on roll at present.
Pupil premium income for 2014-2015 is £38,645 details on spending can be found here on our website.
Pupils in financial need most require help to contribute towards the cost of residential visits. 9.9% of pupils in the locality live in income deprived households (9.3% in West Northumberland, 18.7% in Northumberland).
(Sources: Hexham Infonet locality profile, Partnership Profile, March 2011, NCC data unit)
Vulnerable groups
There are currently less than 10 looked after children on roll. There are no mobile or armed forces children. 9% of the pupil population is
SEN In the locality 9.9% of children live in income deprived households.
(Sources: SIMS, 2010 School Census, Locality Infonet profile)